Slow Sounds Soundtrack No3 Winter Playlist For Slow Living

a Winter playlist for slow living, my 3rd and final soundtrack of the year 2018And here it is, my last Slow Sounds playlist of the year and indeed the last post before everyone winds down for Christmas. I hope I've managed to catch you in time!I started this series to share how important I feel music is to the slow living lifestyle. And I don't just mean the tempo, but the ability music has to focus our thoughts, give us clarity or a chance for escapism. Food for the soul. You can listen to my Spring and Summer soundtracks to get a feel for the series which has naturally taken a seasonal direction. Perhaps I use colour next year?I've been sat at my desk under a blanket with moody, rainy afternoons to influence my choices this time. There's been much staring longingly at the empty fire grate (now swept and awaiting its first fire) so this begs to be listened to in a warm and cosy room. Aptly named for Winter, this is a playlist for reflection with songs chosen for their poetry and storytelling, centred around a feeling of home. What better time to look back on the year than now, with friends and family. Sit and acknowledge the good with the bad and make plans, not resolutions.Thank you, as always, for reading. I write for you, so if there's a certain interior design topic you'd like help with, please shout at me! I'll be back in January with my usual helping of Nordic design and hopefully some tentative next steps for the house. We can't look at the pink hallway any longer and the living and dining room need a great deal of TLC so...A Very Happy Christmas and New Year from me!Tiff xx#slowsoundsplaylist 


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