at{mine} / The Online Interiors Community

AtMine-iPhone-tiffanygrantrileyFor the past year I've been a very fortunate Beta member of new online interiors community, at{mine}. Introduced to the site by my good friend Igor Josif of Happy Interior blog, I jumped at the chance to be a part of it as it developed through the early days with a feeling that this was something that would really take off. The concept has been nurtured into being by long time friends Helena Benelbas and Ia Bergman who found that there wasn't a dedicated online space for interiors enthusiasts and professionals to share their own spaces and interact with other like-minded people. We all love to be a little nosy, right?at{mine}_online_interiors_communityAn inspiring little community of just over 1,000 now, at{mine} is building a steady membership reaching across the globe with its beautifully styled, simple interface, including recently updated additions that Beta members helped the team to develop as we got to know the site. How does it work? Members can upload and share images of their homes which are categorised by room, tag items in each room and where they came from and include a caption or story. Other members of the community can search for and follow other users whose photos appear in the gorgeous new home feed, 'love' an image, add a tagged item to their interiors wish-list or comment if they want to connect. Finally! A homely online space for sharing real interiors in one place.Have I piqued your interest? Fancy a look around some of my favourites? I'd love for you to join me and see what it's all about so at{mine} have kindly created an invitation for you to come and check it out before the site opens to the public. See you there...


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