Sunny Design Days / A Very Special Spanish Tour
I don't want to get all Elizabeth Gilbert on you, but sometimes the universe has a way of finding us out, sending what we need at just the right time. A few months back, I was in the car with my husband, most likely off to get his phone screen fixed (again) and I was feeling a really low. Out of nowhere I'd said "I really need to get away, say... to Barcelona...on a design tour-that would be incredible." Three hours later, I had an invitation from RED, the Association of Spanish Design Companies, inviting me to join their five day Sunny Design Days tour with eight other bloggers and journalists. Starting in Barcelona, we would visit studios and showrooms of some of the most renowned Spanish design brands, moving on to Valencia and finally Madrid, sampling some of the best Spanish hospitality around. Well, of course I burst into tears. Are you kidding me???!! And, if you've been watching my Instagram (check out #sunnydesigndays) you'll have no doubts at all that I jumped into that offer with both feet and all my heart and now here I am, back with a camera full of beautiful photos, new friends and a head filled with Spanish design.
Over the coming weeks (because there is just so much to show you) I'll be sharing studio and showroom tours, collections from new designers, snapshots from a favourite hotel and perhaps a few interviews thrown into the mix.Check back in on Friday to explore our first stop - the Alexandra Hilton Hotel in Barcelona...iPhoneography © Tiffany Grant-Riley